Honorable Cabinet Minister, Women Empowerment & Child Development, Govt. of Uttarakhand, Smt. Rekha Arya Ji inaugurate a plantation program at UCOST, Vigyan Dham, Jhajra Dehradun on 16th July, 2021 on the occasion of Harela.
Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST), Dehradun, Ministry of Women Empowerment & Child Development, Govt. of Uttarakhand and National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), Uttarakhand Chapter jointly organized a plantation fest on the occasion of Harela during 16th July, 2021 at UCOST, Vigyan Dham, Jhajra Dehradun . In the inaugural of this plantation program, Dr Rajendra Dobhal, Director General, UCOST, Dehradun welcome the chief guest, honorable cabinet Minister, Women Empowerment & Child Development, Govt. of Uttarakhand, Smt. Rekha Arya Ji. There are more than 100 Plants have been roped in the Vigyan Dham premises by the honorable cabinet Minister, Smt. Rekha Arya Ji along with 25 students from Rajkiya Balak & Balika Niketen, Dehradun. Honorable Minster also visited Regional Science Center with the students. Sh. H.C. Semwal, Secretary,Women Empowerment & Child Development; Sh. Prashant Arya, Add. Secretary,Women Empowerment & Child Development; Sh. Mohit Chaudhari, CPO; Sh. S.K.Singh Dy. Director; Sh. Akhilesh Mishra, SPO; Smt. Meena Bishta, DPO; Sh. Vikram Singh, PO from Women Empowerment & Child Development Department have also roped the plants in vigyan dham premises. Dr D.P. Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOST coordinated the whole program from UCOST, Dehradun . In this occasion Dr B.P.Purohit, Dr Ashutosh Mishra, Dr Aparna Sharma, Shri Amit Pokhariyal, Sh. Jitendra Kumar, Dr Piyush Joshi and UCOST & RSC staff were presented.