Director General UCOST delivered a lecture during the VAIBHAV Summit 2020
UCOST participated in VAIBHAV Summit
Vaishwik Bhartiy Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Summit is an ambitious collaborative initiative of S&T Departments and Academic Organization of India, which aims to bring out the comprehensive roadmap to leverage the expertise and knowledge of global Indian researchers for solving emerging challenges. Formally inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Nrendra Modi on 2nd October, the one month long VAIBHAV Summit will be organized by various research and academic institutions on 18 different verticals with 80 sub-topics in 213 sessions for functional collaborations among Indian researchers and Diaspora. The valedictory of the Summit will be presided by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Nrendra Modi on 31st October on the occasion of Sardar Patel Jayanti. The goal of summit is to create an ecosystem of knowledge and innovation in the country through global outreach.
AIIMS Rishikesh is a champion institution for VAIBHAV summit, which coordinated deliberations on Subtheme, “Cost effective technologies for screening and management of rural nutritional health” under Horizontal 3: Remote and Rural Health. Under the proposed subtheme, a total of 12 panelists participated and delivered their lectures on 13th of October 2020 in a webinar. Council also participated in the webinar in which, Dr Rajendra Dobhal, Director General, UCOST talked on “Nutritional security through promotion of indigenous Nutri-cereals (millets & pseudo-millets) of Uttarakhand”, while Dr kailash N Bhardwaj, Scientific officer, UCOST shared his thoughts on the topic, “Prospects of nutritional and health security through traditional fermented products in Uttarakhand”. In his lecture, Dr Dobhal suggested some policy measure for Uttarakhand such as, promote nutri-cereals in mission mode, ensure availability of quality indigenous seeds, incentives on their cultivation, reservation of dedicated land for cultivation and their inclusion in Public distribution system (PDS) and Mid-day meal. Dr Bhardwaj in his lecture said that traditional fermented meat products may have enormous techno-commercial value for nutritional, health and financial security of tribal communities of IHR. He proposed to work on optimization, scale-up, mechanization and extension of cost-effective technology of Arjia, Gemma and Chartshya production to community based startups for commercial production as potential option.