Hands-on Training on Robotics at RSC Dehradun Uttarakhand

Hands-on Training on Robotics at RSC Dehradun

Human beings are hardwired to be curious and being curious is a major activity of childhood and young adulthood. No body have ever seen a student that was not curious about something. We, at RSC intended to nurture such curiosity and creativity in students. Therefore, RSC Dehradun has recently planned to organize 5 days training program for school students of class 6-9th standards in its Innovation Hub facility. Working in the field of robotics is not only exciting for students but also provide ample opportunities for them to understand computer, electronics and mathematics.

The proposed program will provide a hands-on training to students on robotics and certainly enhance creativity and problem solving skills of students through educational training.

Training Schedule & Charges:

Initially,  RSC planned to organize six training of 5 day each:

  1. 19th to 23rdApril, 2016
  2. 3rd to 7th May, 2016
  3. 17th to 21stMay, 2016
  4. 31st Mayto 4th June, 2016
  5. 14th to 18th June, 2016
  6. 21st to 25th June, 2016

Registration fee: INR 1500 per participant



broucher registration