UCOST Organised 29th Children’s Science Congress
National Children Science Congress is a flagship program of NCSTC & Department of Science and Technology (Government of India) New Delhi. The objective of programme is to create scientific tempor among the science student from school level and any other child having scientific idea. This science congress has organised in all 95 blocks of Uttarakhand through School Education Department and about 1500 projects presented by Child Scientist at District level. Total 136 Child Scientist presented at state level and 16 child scientist recommended and selected for National level Children Science Congress going to be organized by Department of Science and Technology will be conducted during 15 to 18 February 2022. In the valedictory session Dr S.S.Negi, Vice Chairman, Uttarakhand Migration Commission was the chief guest. Dr Rajendra Dobhal, Director General, UCOST address all the awardees. Dr D.P.Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOST gave a welcome address. Sh G.S.Rautela, Advisor Science City address the child scientist. Dr Brijmohan sharma gave a vote of thanks to all the participants, Coordinators and UCOST staff.