User’s meeting organized under the project “Establishment of SC/ST Cell in UCOST” on 23rd May, 2022 at Bhimtal.
Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology, UCOST is running a SEED Division, Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi sponsored project entitled “Establishment of SC/ST Cell in UCOST”.Under this project, a user’s meeting was organized at Biotechnology Department, Bhimtal Campus, Kumaon University on dated 23rdMay 2022. Representatives from districts of Kumaon region were present during the meeting. Welcome address was delivered by Dr. Veena Pande, HOD, Biotechnology department, Bhimtal campus, Nainital University. Dr. D.P.Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOSTstated that SC-ST Cell will be formed at all districts of Uttarakhand. He said that baseline information will be collected from the SC/ST areas for the preparation of action plan for establishing the SC/ST Cell. Capacity building and Skill development trainings will be organized to strengthen the community. Dr. M.S.Rawat, Scientific Officer, UCOST presented the project activities, outlines, objectives, methodology, novelty and future action plans through power point presentation. Moreover, various suggestions from the representatives from kumaon districts were discussed in details.They also shared the activities, and government schemes related to the SC/ST community. Dr. Harshit Pant, Scientist-C, G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment, Kosi Katarmal, Almora shared their experience for up scaling the economy of SC/ST community. She emphasized that value addition of natural resources can be done and it will be helpful for promoting self-employment of SC/ST community. Mr. Santosh Rawat, Principal Project Associate, UCOST also briefed about the Science and technology based interventions that can be applied in SC/ST areas. Dr. Veena Pande, discussed various activities and issues faced by the SC/ST communities in Uttarakhand.She also talked about traditional knowledge systemand sustainable livelihood development. Dr. Tapan Nailwal, Sr. Associate Professor, Kumaon University gave a vote of thanks to all the experts and participants.