A user meeting of the project “Establishment of SC/ST Cell in Tehri Garhwal”
A user meeting of the project “Establishment of SC/ST Cell in Tehri Garhwal” was organized at VikasBhawan, New Tehri Garhwal on 3rd October, 2022 under the Chairmanship ofDistrict Magistrate, Tehri Garhwalto discuss the detailed outline, objectives and overview of the project with various representatives from Tehridistrict ofUttarakhand. The ongoing projects and development activities were discussed with respect to the Scheduled caste and Scheduled tribe communities. Dr. D.P.Uniyal briefed about the project progress made by UCOST. Dr. M.S.Rawat, Scientific Officer presented the project activities, outlines, objectives, methodology, novelty and future action plans. Moreover, various suggestions from the represtatives were discussed in details before the proper implementation of the project. Sh. KishanChauhan, Social Welfare Officer, highlighted various difficulties faced by SC/ST communities in Uttarakhand which can be covered under the project. Dr.Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOST emphasized to implement Science and Technology based development in the SC/ST prominent villages of Tehri Garhwal. Line department representatives discussed various issues faced by the SC/ST communities in Tehri Garhwal. Dr. Uniyal and his team member discussed various activities to be implementing in Tehri Garhwal. Also a meeting organized at THDC campus with GM Shri A.K.Tirpathi on 4th October, 2022 at Bhagirathipuram regarding SC/ST communities’livelihoods schemes. Magazines distributed among the students and peoples of Pangarkhal, Block-Chamba, TehriGarhwal. Following UCOST officials, experts and representatives from Tehridistrict were present in the meeting:
- Dr. D. P. Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOST
- Dr. Manmohan Sigh Rawat, Scientific Officer, UCOST
- Mr. Santosh Rawat, UCOST
- Representatives of line department officials.