Alternate Approaches for Addressing the Problem of Human-Animal Conflict in Agriculture Sector
Alternate Approaches for Addressing the Problem
In the 86th annual session of the National Academy of Sciences, India a symposium was organised titled “Alternate approaches for addressing the problem of Human-Animal Conflict in Agriculture Sector” which was organised at the meeting room, Vigyan Dham, Dehradun. The session was chaired by Dr. S. S. Negi, MoEF & CC, DG, and co-chaired by Mr. D V S Khati, PCCF (Wildlife), Uttarakhand and Dr. B.S. Barfal, Ex-PCCF, Uttarakhand Forest Department, were the invited guest for the session. The welcome address was given by Dr. Rajendra Dobhal, DG, UCOST expressing his concern on the topic of Human –Wildlife conflict. Mr. D V S Khati, PCCF (Wildlife) stressed upon the importance of the topic and efforts to deal with it were required. Mr. Samir Sinha (CEO, CAMPA, Add. PCCF) later laid down the platform for starting the session for the need of alternate approaches that were required for dealing with menace of wild animals in the agriculture sector.
The presentations were delivered by Sh. Kunal Satyarthi, IFS on the topic “Human –leopard conflict: A case study of FRI; Dehradun”. Dr. Sandeep Ratan from Wildlife Wing of Himachal Forest department on the topic “Mitigation Measure for Monkey menace in Himachal Pradesh”. Dr. Brij Mohan Pandey (Senior-Scientist of Agronomy, VPKAS, Almora) presentation on the topic “Wild Animal Menace and its management in Agriculture”. Mr. Narendra Singh, Secretary, Wildlife Protection Society of India expressed his concern for the need to safeguard and protect the crops and stressed upon taking the preventions before the damage actually occurred. Dr. V.P. Uniyal , Scientist – F, Wildlife Institute of India expressed that the need for a good understanding of the issue was required. He expressed the importance of traditional methods and their success. The vote of Thanks was given by Dr. Piyush Joshi, UCOST, the dignitaries and speakers of the session were felicitated and mementos were presented to them.