Celebration of Earth Day 2021 through Virtual Mode on 22nd April, 2021
UCOST celebrate Earth Day 2021 through virtual mode on 22nd April, 2021. Theme of this year is “Restore our Earth” . Dr B.R.Arora, Former Director, Wadia Institute of Himayalan Geology Dehradun was the Keynote speaker of the program. Dr Rajendra dobhal, Director General, UCOST, welcome the chief guest and all the participants who had joined online. Dr Dobhal said that the the theme of this year’s Earth Day is most relevant in this Covid-19 prospect. Dr B.R.Arora delivered a keynote lecture on ” Dynamic Earth”. In his keynote lecture, he focus on the various issues on Himalayan Geology, Dimension & Interior of Earth, Global Warming factors, Inventory of Himalayan Glaciers etc. He told that out mother earth is source of all our livelihood. Dr D.P. Uniual, Joint Director, UCOST coordinated the program and gave a vote of thanks to the chair and all the participants.