Celebration of World Environment Day 2021 through virtual mode on 5th June, 2021
UCOST celebrate World Environment Day 2021 through virtual mode on 5th June, 2021. Theme of this year is “Ecosystem Restoration”. Dr Samir Sinha, IFS,Additional PCCF, Govt. of Uttarakhand was the Keynote speaker of the program. The program was started with a video of Late. Padmavibhushan Sundarlal Bahuguna ji based on his poem, composed and sang by Mr Upendra Arora & Mrs Sneha Arora. Dr Rajendra dobhal, FNASc, Director General, UCOST, welcome the chief guest and all the participants who had joined online. Dr Dobhal said about the Economic Leadership Vs human population. He said that we need the young hands for our economic growth. In a special address, Padmashree, Prof. A.N. Purohit told about the importance of “Paryavaran k sath Vatavaran”. He also gave some examples related to environment based on his own written book. Dr Samir Sinha delivered a keynote lecture on “Nurturing Mother Earth: A Call to Prevent, Halt and Reverse the Degradation of Ecosystem”. In his keynote lecture, he focus on the various issues on Economic Restoration, Chipko Movement, Ecosystem Integrity, Restoration culture, eradication of Lantana grass, ecological recovery wheel etc. He said that we should adopt a long scientific approach on ecosystem restoration. Restoration adopts a holistic approach & focused on all elements of an ecosystem. Dr D.P. Uniual, Joint Director, UCOST coordinated the Whole program. Dr Aparna Sharma, SSO, UCOST gave a vote of thanks to the chair and all the participants. More than 100 participants along with Shri G.S.Rautela, Prof. D.K.Maheshwari, Dr Brijmohan Sharma, Dr G.K.Dhingra and UCOST & RSC staff joined the program through zoom meeting & council’s facebook live.