IPR Awareness Workshop at R.C.U Govt. P.G College, Uttarkashi on 15th November 2017
One-day IPR awareness workshop was organized at R.C.U Govt. P.G College, Uttarkashi on 15th November 2017 organized by PIC, UCOST & R.C.U Govt. P.G College, Uttarkashi and funded by TIFAC, New Delhi. The workshop entitled “Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)” was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Dr. Anju Rawat, Scientist-B & In-charge, PIC, UCOST, Prof. P.S Makhloga. Principal, R.C.U Govt. P.G College, Uttarkashi and Dr. A.K Aggarwal, Chairperson & Head, dept. of Botany. The workshop witnessed the presence of Mr. Himanshu Goel, Project Scientist, PIC, Ms. Swati Rawat & Ms. Kamika Agrohi, Scientific Trainee, TIFAC New Delhi as speakers in various IPR topics. The workshop benefited around 200 participants including faculty and students.
Dr. M.S Parmar, Organizing Secretary, welcomed the Chief Guest, & other dignitaries and the participants. The inaugural Speech was delivered by Prof. P.S Makloga, Principal stressed on the need for registering intellectual creations and using IPR’s for the betterment of nation. he explained the importance of IPR protection and how inventions & intellectual creations could help to boost economic and technological developments in the country. he strongly presented his view on the current scenario of IPR and the status of India in terms of innovation and filing of IPR. he urged and motivated students to be innovative and vigilant.
Dr. Anju Rawat, Scientist-B, PIC, UCOST gave an overview of IPR to the participants and explained what are patents, industrial designs, trademarks, trade secrets, geographical indications and plant varieties. Mr. Himanshu Goel, Project scientist, enlighted the audience about the patent filing procedure and various timelines in patent filing and prosecution, while Ms. Swati Rawat briefed the audience about copyright system in India and.In the thanksgiving speech, Dr. M.S Parmar, Convener explained the triad of creativity, inventiveness and innovation and their linkages with the enhancement of quality of life of the people in general and owners of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions of the people of Uttarakhand State. Dr. A.K Aggarwal, Dr. Vishwanath Singh and many other delegates were also present at the workshop.