DST State Council Meeting through Virtual Mode
Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST) is a nodal agency of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt of India (GoI). Council organizes various programs like promotion of S&T in the state, extension, technology transfer and field demonstration of location specific technologies and popularization of science. Specifically, Council run following programs: Research Development and Demonstration; Science Popularization and Science City S&T Based Entrepreneurship Development Program; Science & Society Program for Women & Weaker Section; and Himalayan System Science in coordination with DST, GoI.
A meeting cum webinar was organized by DST, GoI on 21st December, 2021 with all states to discuss the proposed Center –State STI and Coordination Mechanism. Dr D.P Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOST represent the Uttarakhand State in this meeting. Dr Rabinindra Panigrahy, Scientist-D, DST STI policy welcomes all the participants from different state councils and gave an brief introduction about the Center-State STI Policy and Coordination Between DST & state councils. Further, he invites all the council representative to talk a brief about their council programs.
Dr D.P uniyal in his brief talk, present all the activities carried by Uttarakhand activities in past 16 years. He also brief DST about the on-going activities as well as major projects executed in the council funded by DST. Further, he briefed about science city Dehradun, Sub regional science center, almora, Sc/ST Cell and mapping of S&T need in state. Apart from it, Dr Uniyal requested DST to implement a communication/coordination system regarding the gaps like funding, manpower issues.
In the end, Dr Chagun Basha, DST thanks to all the participants.