World IP Day Celebrated at Vigyan Dham ……
World IP Day – An IPR popular Lecture was organized on the occasion of World IP Day 2017, on 26th April, by the Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST) at Vigyan Dham.
The theme of World IP Day, innovation improving lives. Survey on world innovative index has placed India on 43rd position out of 46. It was stated that the number of IP commercialized depicts the industrial vibrancy of the country. He emphasizes that to improve lives of the people of a society, innovation is needed and the culture of innovation should be inculcated at a very early stage, from school level in students.
Guest Speaker, Dr. P.K. Ghosh delivered the Lecture on “IP Creation & Management for Societal Growth”. He opened the lecture by urging the institutions & other research centers not to wait for innovation to come at their desk but to work hard towards it. He proposed IP creation as a major Vision to “Make in India. He further asked to promote a culture of spontaneous growth of society through innovation. He said that there is need of involvement of industry in promotion of academic system and development of R & D in structured fashion so that it can find market easily. He reiterated the need to develop innovative attitude and mindset and encourage wild ideas with organized judgments.
Dr Alaknanda Ashok, Director, Women Institute of Technology, UTU, Dehradun also present in the programme. Faculty members & Research Scholars from different Institutes/ Universities and UCOST staff attended the lecture.