An Executive Committee Meeting of SDI Project on 26th July, 2017 held at Secretariat, Dehradun
Meeting of SDI Project – An executive meeting on Spatial Data Infrastructure was organized in the secretariat to discuss the issues of implementation of GIS cell and sustainability of Geo-Portal. Dr. Rajendra Dobhal, DG, UCOST gave the remarks of Executive Committee Meeting and briefed about the SDI Project. Sh. P.S. Acharya advisor and CEO, NRDMS (NSDI) Department of Science and Technology, Government of India briefed about the sustainability of Geo-Portal along with the maintenance, which are necessary for the continuous process of the project. Delegates of other department also gave their views regarding the issues and their solutions. Dr. Dobhal, DG, UCSOT and PI of the Project apprised the committee that he has briefed the honorable secretary planning Government of Uttarakhand about the project and the benefit that the project can bring to overall development of the state. The committee thus recommended that the access of UKSDI Geo-portal should be given to the planning department but secretary planning requested that UKSDI Geo-portal should be maintained by UCOST. The executive committee meeting discussed about the GIS Cell in the thirteen districts for their sustainability. Each district of Uttarakhand should formulate GIS Cell which is proposed to be set up DSTO under Nodal Officer of CDO’s and Secretary Planning agreed to approved three officers for running GIS cell. Sh. P.S. Acharya said that UCSOT should be linkages all the departments for metadata. It was also discussed for coordinator strategies standardization & sharing of data metadata. Secretary planning, Sh. Amit Negi said that maintenance of Geo-Portal will be carried out by UCOST and budgetary support will be provided by department of planning. He also suggested that sharing data policy of SDI project should be circulate among the line departments.
The following executive committee members were present:-
- Sh. Amit Negi, I.A.S.Chairman, Secretary, planning
- Joint Secretary, Science & Technology
- Sh. P.S. Acharya,
- Dr. Rajendra Dobhal
- Prof. J.S.Rawat
- Dr. P.K.Champati Ray
- Dr. G.Philip
- Chief Engineer,PWD
- Director, Economics & Statistics Department
- Director General, Health
- Dr. D.P.Uniyal
- Dr. M.S. Rawat
- Sh. Vinod Rawat
- Sh. Naresh Pant
- Sh. Ramna Reddy, Avineon Pvt. Ltd.
- Sh. Parmod Karnawat, Avineon Pvt. Ltd.