Meeting of project titled “Water Energy Food Nexus (WEFN) Through Solar-Green House Based Hydroponic Solution with Android Mobile Application of Vegetable Market for Rural farmers and Urban Users”
Meeting of the project titled “Water Energy Food Nexus (WEFN) Through Solar-Green House Based Hydroponic Solution with Android Mobile Application of Vegetable Market for Rural farmers and Urban Users” was organized at Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), Vigyan Dham, Jhajra, on 26th March, 2022. In this meeting, the discussions for the establishment of the solar greenhouse as well as the field visit of the proposed site were held with the project partners and M/S Saveer Biotech, Greater Noida, U. P.
Following officials/ researchers were present in the meeting-
- Dr Rajendra Dobhal, Director General, UCOST, Dehradun (Special Invitee)
- Dr D. P. Uniyal, Joint Director, UCOST
- Dr Ashutosh Mishra, Sr. Scientific Officer, UCOST, Co-PI WEFN-Project
- Er Jitendra Kumar, Scientific Officer, UCOST
- Dr B. P. Purohit, Advisor, Skill Vigyan Project, UCOST
- Dr S. B. Tripathi Associate Professor, TERI-SAS, PI-WEFN Project
- Dr Vinay S. P. Sinha, Associate Professor, TERI-SAS, New Delhi, Co-PI WEFN-Project
- Dr Prashant Singh, Associate Professor, DAV (PG) College, Co-PI WEFN-Project
- Shri Sanjay Sudan, Director, Saveer Biotech Limited, New- Delhi
- Dr Jagbir Aswal, Scientific Assistant, UCOST
- Dr Tushar Anthwal, RA-WEFN, UCOST, Dehradun
- Kanchan Dobhal, RA-WEFN, UCOST, Dehradun.
- Ms Vaishali Sharma, JRF-WEFN, UCOST, Dehradun