Popular lecture on the topic “An overview of Vitamin D for Healthcare”
Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology (UCOST) along with National Academy of Sciences (NASI) organized a popular lecture series on May 13 2016 on the topic “An overview of Vitamin D for Healthcare”. The lecture was very well delivered by Dr. Vinit Mehrotra Professor, Department of Biochemistry of Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust Jolligrant. He told that Vitamin D can be naturally synthesizes by the human body from solar UV rays and 15-30 minutes of sunlight exposure is sufficient for daily need of the body. 75-100 nmol/L of blood serum is the normal range of Vitamin D for a healthy person.
Dr. Mehrotra insists that vitamin D is also gender specific with women requiring more vitamin D compare to their male counterpart. Dr. Mehrotra told that we all are at a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency. Finally he insists that combination of diet, sun exposure and supplementation is the only solution to maintain Vitamin D level along with phosphate and calcium. During the lecture Dr. B. P. Purohit, Dr. D.P. Uniyal, Mrs. Mehrotra along with UCOST staff were present.